Product Update Summary - November 17, 2023

We recently released a new insight, email notifications for tasks, and source record verifications, as well as other recent improvements and fixed issues.

New Insights

The Results Summary insights page now includes a graph showing how source record deduplication has changed over time. Users can now see a history of the source record and mastered entities count for the last 10 jobs. A filled line chart will now appear below the existing deduplication rate card. In order to populate the chart, you need to have run at least 3 jobs for the given data product. See Results Summary Insight.

Limited Release Features: Tasks

You will now receive an email notification when another user assigns a task to you.

Verifying Source Records

See What's New: Verify Source Records and Improved Curation for more detail.

Other Recent Improvements

  • Admins and authors can now find Sources and Connections in the main menu, instead of within Admin.
  • General styling and user experience improvements.

Fixed Issues

  • Scheduled publish job failed.
  • Spaces in GCS directory names caused publish job to fail.
  • The Read Only Mode message did not dismiss even after the flow completed.
  • In Configure Flow, step statuses were not refreshing.
  • In Sources, the Refresh option was delayed.
  • After creating a data product, users had to refresh the page in order to see the new data product. Now, the data product automatically loads in the page after it is created.