Tamr RealTime APIs enable you to quickly search for a matching entity before you create a new record in an operational system. You can also create new records, and update and delete existing records.
Tamr RealTime adds an additional datastore to your Tamr Cloud tenant: the RealTime datastore. This datastore acts as a system of record; it is the authoritative source for your mastered entity data, including the current and historical Tamr IDs and source record IDs associated with each entity.
In a standard Tamr Cloud use case, you add source datasets to Tamr Cloud, and then add these sources to specific data products for deduplication, cleaning, enrichment, and consolidation. The resulting mastered entities and clustered source records are stored in Tamr Cloud’s working datastore. When you review, curate, and export data product data in Tamr Cloud, you are working with datasets stored in the working datastore.
With Tamr RealTime, once you are satisfied with the data in your working datastore, you can run a job to batch publish the mastered entity data to the RealTime datastore. This data is immediately available for search and other RealTime operations.
The following diagram illustrates how the data in the RealTime datastore is updated through a data product job, and how data is retrieved from the RealTime datastore via the Tamr RealTime APIs.
Tamr RealTime Search
Tamr RealTime’s search capability enables you to programmatically search mastered entities stored in the RealTime datastore, by:
- Retrieving a record by a current or past Tamr ID, Tamr source record ID, or other persistent identifier. You can search for previous, out-of-date, and deleted IDs.
- Searching for a record by exact attribute values. This search is case-sensitive.
- Searching for a record with similar attribute values (fuzzy match). Records are retrieved using probabilistic matching, ranked by relevance.
Tamr RealTime Record Management
Tamr RealTime allows you programmatically update the Tamr RealTime datastore by creating, updating, and deleting records.
Use these operations alongside the search capability to prevent creating duplicate records. Search for an existing matching entity before creating a new one.
Tamr RealTime APIs
Tamr RealTime API endpoints include:
- Records:
- list: Retrieve all records, or retrieve records with exact attribute values, specified as key/value pairs.
- get: Retrieve a record by a specified ID current or historical ID.
- create: Create a new record.
- update: Update an existing record.
- delete: Delete an existing record. Note that the historical links between deleted and current records are retained; searching for the ID of a deleted record will return current records linked to that ID.
- merge: Merges two existing records into a single surviving record. All links associated with the retired record become associated with the surviving record; references to the retired record return the surviving record.
- Search:
- search: Search for records with similar attribute values, specified as key/value pairs.
- search then create: Before creating a new record, search for records with similar attribute values, specified as key/value pairs. If a matching record does not already exist, a new record is created. If the record already exists, this record is merged into the existing record.