The Jobs endpoint provides a programmatic interface to orchestrate jobs. Jobs include:

  • Refreshing a source dataset that has been previously added to Tamr Cloud.
  • Running a configured data product flow.
  • Publishing data product datasets to a configured published destination.

Using this endpoint, you can:

  • List all jobs
  • Get details and check status for a specific job
  • Stop a running job
  • Submit a new job

important Important: Currently, you cannot use the Jobs endpoint to interact with manual or scheduled jobs that are initiated from the Tamr Cloud UI. Additionally, jobs submitted through the API are not listed on the Jobs page in the UI.

Job Limits

Tamr Cloud supports 5 concurrent running jobs. Additional job requests return the following error: 429 Too Many Requests.

Obtaining Resource IDs

You must provide the ID of the associated resource when making most job requests. For example, you must provide the sourceId when submitting a job to refresh a source, and you must provide a jobId when stopping a running job.

You can obtain these IDs as follows:

jobIdThe job ID is included in the create request response. You can also obtain a list of job IDs by submitting a list request to the Jobs API.
sourceIdSource IDs are available in the Tamr Cloud UI on the Sources page. Select the ID to automatically copy it to your clipboard.
dataProductIdThe data product ID is available in the Tamr Cloud UI.

For non-legacy data products, the ID is available on the data product's Configure Data Product page.

For legacy data products, the ID is availableon the data product's Configure Flow page.

Select the ID to automatically copy it to your clipboard.
destinationIdThe destination ID is available in the Tamr Cloud UI.

For non-legacy data products, the ID is the name of the publish configuration, which is available on the data product's Publish page.

For legacy data products, the ID is available on the data product's Publish page. Select the ID to automatically copy it to your clipboard.

Note: See Legacy Data Product Templates for the current list of legacy data products.

Best Practices

For best results, leave a buffer of several hours between jobs for the same data product. The duration of each job depends on the size of the dataset and complexity of the mastering flow. Monitor how long jobs take to complete, and use that information to ensure you have an adequate buffer between jobs.