Tamr’s event-driven notification system enables you to keep all of your systems up to date with the golden records in the Tamr System of Record (SOR).

Tamr can publish Realtime notifications for these authoring events to a user-specified endpoint (a webhook):

  • Create golden record
  • Update golden record
  • Delete golden record
  • Merge golden record
  • Unmerge golden record

The notifications are published as HTTPS POST requests. The webhook receives these requests and sends messages with the event data to a subscribing application or portal. For example, when a new record is created in the SOR, Tamr publishes a notification to the specified webhook, which then sends the CREATE event to a consumer application such as a CRM.


Client Webhook Requirements

Your organization must have an HTTPS endpoint that can capture the change data sent from Tamr Cloud via HTTPS POST.

The endpoint service must:

  • Support throughput commensurate with the user’s Tamr RealTime authoring throughput. Tamr publishes notifications in near real-time as authoring events occur in the SOR.
  • Be capable of processing requests idempotently, which allows Tamr to safely replay the messages from a given time range as needed.

Webhook Integration Requirements

The connection to the webhook must be configured in Tamr. Contact Tamr ([email protected]) for assistance.

You must provide an authorization header value for Tamr to use to access your webhook endpoint. For example:

  • A basic auth header (BasicCreds)
  • An API key header, (X-API-KEY)