Company Name

The company name data quality service provides a cleaned company name and extracted company legal form.

The Country Code data quality service must be completed prior to this step; the enriched_country_code_2_character field provided by the Country Code service is a required input field for this step.

This service is included without additional licensing in the following data product templates:

  • B2B Customers
  • B2B Customers with Firmographics
  • B2B Customers with D&B
  • Legal Entities
  • Suppliers with D&B

Required Input Attributes for Company Name

The input dataset for this service must include attributes that can be mapped to the following enrichment input attributes.

Input Attribute Name Description
company_name Company name
enriched_country_code_2_character Country where the company is based. This input field is supplied by Country Code enricher.

Output Attributes for Company Name

The following attributes are provided by this service.

Output Attribute Name Description
enriched_company_alternate_legal_forms Alternate legal forms for the company (INC, LLC, LTD, and so on)
enriched_company_legal_form The legal form of the company (INC, LLC, LTD, and so on)
enriched_company_name_for_matching Cleaned company name; capitalized version of the input name without punctuation or legal form