Companies House Enrichment
You can enrich your company data with referential attributes from Companies House.
Companies House Attributes
When you select Companies House as the enrichment source in the Tamr Enrich step, the following attributes are returned for mastered entities that have been successfully matched to a Tamr Enrich ID.
Attribute Name | Definition |
tamr_companies_house_enrich_status | The status of the Companies House enrichment:
Note: This value may not match the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status .
This happens when a higher level match is available in one of the other supported data providers.
For example, a match based on “MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS” was found in
Pitchbook, and a match based on “MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY” was found in Companies House (the selected provider).
In this case, the value of the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status is
"MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS" while the value of tamr_companies_house_enrich_status is "MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY".
comapnies_house_tamr_enrich_id | The Tamr Enrich ID for this organization match in Companies House. |
companies_house_company_number | Unique company number from the Companies House registrar. |
companies_house_organization_name | Current company name. |
companies_house_care_of | Registered addressee of the company. |
companies_house_pobox | Registered PO box of the company. |
companies_house_address_line_1 | Registered address of the company. |
companies_house_address_line_2 | Registered second address of the company. |
companies_house_post_town | Registered post town of the company. |
companies_house_county | Registered county of the company. |
companies_house_postal_code | Registered postal code of the company. |
companies_house_country | Registered country of the company. |
companies_house_country_of_origin | Country in which the company was originally registered in. |
companies_house_company_category | Category type of the company. |
companies_house_company_status | Current status of the company. |
companies_house_dissolution_date | Only supplied for companies with dissolved status. |
companies_house_incorporation_date | Date that the company was incorporated; this will not show if RegistrationDate is returned. |
companies_house_accounts_account_ref_day | Accounting reference date, i.e. the financial period and day of the month. |
companies_house_accounts_account_ref_month | Accounting reference date, i.e. the financial period and month of the year. |
companies_house_accounts_next_due_date | Date the next accounts are due to be filed. |
companies_house_accounts_last_made_up_date | Made up date of the latest accounts filed. If no accounts have been filed, then message ‘No accounts filed’ will be returned. The made-up date is the date at which all the information in the Annual Return must be correct. The made-up date is usually the anniversary of the incorporation of the company, or the made-up date of the previous Annual Return registered at Companies House. |
companies_house_accounts_account_category | Category of the filed accounts. Examples include Overseas Entity, Limited Partnership, Private Unlimited, and so on. |
companies_house_returns_next_due_date | Date the next annual return is due to be filed |
companies_house_last_made_up_date | Made up date of the latest annual return filed. If no return has been filed, this will be left blank. The made-up date is the date at which all the information in the Annual Return must be correct. The made-up date is usually the anniversary of the incorporation of the company, or the made-up date of the previous Annual Return registered at Companies House. |
companies_house_mortgages_num_mort_charges | Total number of mortgage charges registered against the company. |
companies_house_mortgages_num_mort_outstanding | Total Number of Outstanding mortgage charges registered against the company. |
companies_house_mortgages_num_mort_part_satisfied | Total Number of Part Satisfied mortgage charges registered against the company. |
companies_house_mortgages_num_mort_satisfied | Total Number of Satisfied mortgage charges registered against the company. |
companies_house_sic_code_sic_text_1 | First standard industrial classification code (SIC) categorizes companies based upon the type of activity done. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown.
See Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List by the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission for the list and descriptions of SIC codes. |
companies_house_sic_code_sic_text_2 | Second standard industrial classification code (SIC) categorizes companies based upon the type of activity done. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_sic_code_sic_text_3 | Third standard industrial classification code (SIC) categorizes companies based upon the type of activity done. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_sic_code_sic_text_4 | Fourth standard industrial classification code (SIC) categorizes companies based upon the type of activity done. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_limited_partnerships_num_gen_partners | Number of General Partners. Only supplied where information is available for Limited Partnership (LP, SL, NL company number prefixes). |
companies_house_limited_partnerships_num_lim_partners | Number of Limited Partners. Only supplied where information is available for Limited Partnership (LP, SL, NL comapny number prefixes). |
companies_house_uri | Uniform resource identifier for the company. See the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) customer guide. |
companies_house_parent_company_number | Unique parent company number from the Companies House registrar. |
companies_house_parent_organization_name | Current parent company name. |
companies_house_parent_care_of | Registered addressee of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_pobox | Registered PO box of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_address_line_1 | Registered address of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_address_line_2 | Registered second address of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_post_town | Registered post town of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_county | Registered county of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_postal_code | Registered postal code of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_country | Registered country of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_country_of_origin | Country in which the parent company was originally registered in. |
companies_house_parent_company_category | The type of parent company. |
companies_house_parent_company_status | The current status of the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_dissolution_date | Only supplied for parent companies with dissolved status. |
companies_house_parent_incorporation_date | The date that the parent company was incorporated. This will not show if RegistrationDate is returned. |
companies_house_parent_accounts_account_ref_day | Accounting reference date for the parent company, i.e. the financial period. Day of the month. |
companies_house_parent_accounts_account_ref_month | Accounting reference date for the parent company, i.e. the financial period. Month of the year. |
companies_house_parent_accounts_next_due_date | The date the next accounts are due to be filed. |
companies_house_parent_accounts_last_made_up_date | The made up date of the latest accounts filed. If no accounts have been filed, then message ‘No accounts filed’ will be returned. The made-up date is the date at which all the information in the Annual Return must be correct. The made-up date is usually the anniversary of the incorporation of the company, or the made-up date of the previous Annual Return registered at Companies House. |
companies_house_parent_accounts_account_category | Describes the type of accounts filed. |
companies_house_parent_returns_next_due_date | The date the next annual return is due to be filed. |
companies_house_parent_returns_last_made_up_date | The made up date of the latest annual return filed. If no return has been filed, this will be left blank. |
companies_house_parent_mortgages_num_mort_charges | Total number of charges registered against the parent company |
companies_house_parent_mortgages_num_mort_outstanding | Total Number of Outstanding charges registered against the parent company |
companies_house_parent_mortgages_num_mort_part_satisfied | Total Number of Part Satisfied charges registered against the parent company |
companies_house_parent_mortgages_num_mort_satisfied | Total Number of Satisfied charges registered against the parent company |
companies_house_parent_sic_code_sic_text_1 | Only supplied where applicable. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_parent_sic_code_sic_text_2 | Only supplied where applicable. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_parent_sic_code_sic_text_3 | Only supplied where applicable. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_parent_sic_code_sic_text_4 | Only supplied where applicable. If none given, message "None Supplied" is shown. |
companies_house_parent_limited_partnerships_num_gen_partners | Number of General Partners. Only supplied where information is available for Limited Partnership (LP, SL, NL prefixes). |
companies_house_parent_limited_partnerships_num_lim_partners | Number of Limited Partners. Only supplied where information is available for Limited Partnership (LP, SL, NL prefixes). |
companies_house_parent_uri | Uniform resource identifier (URI) for the parent company. |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_1 | First date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_1 | First previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_2 | Second date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_2 | Second previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_3 | Third date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_3 | Third previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_4 | Fourth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_4 | Fourth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_5 | Fifth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_5 | Fifth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_6 | Sixth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_6 | Sixth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_7 | Seventh date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_7 | Seventh previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_8 | Eigth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_8 | Eigth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_9 | Ninth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_9 | Ninth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_condate_10 | Tenth date of change of name |
companies_house_parent_organization_name_previous_10 | Tenth previous parent company name |
companies_house_parent_conf_stmt_next_due_date | The date the next annual return is due to be filed. |
companies_house_parent_conf_stmt_last_made_up_date | The made up date of the latest annual return filed. If no return has been filed, this will be left blank. The made-up date is the date at which all the information in the Annual Return must be correct. The made-up date is usually the anniversary of the incorporation of the company, or the made-up date of the previous Annual Return registered at Companies House. The made-up date is the date at which all the information in the Annual Return must be correct. The made-up date is usually the anniversary of the incorporation of the company, or the made-up date of the previous Annual Return registered at Companies House. |
Updated 3 months ago