Managing a Legacy Data Product

You can make updates to a data product including sharing it with other users, changing the shared permission level, editing the name or description, and deleting.

Sharing a Data Product

You can share data products with other users. When you share a data product, you select the level of permission that user has for that data product.

See User Roles and Permissions for more information.

To share a data product:

  1. On the Home page, locate the data product and select More ⁝ > Share.
  2. Select the user with whom to share the data product and their permission for that data product.
    Note: Admin users and users whose accounts have been disabled do not appear in the list of users; admins have full access to all data products.
  3. Select Share.

Changing Permission for a Data Product

To change a user's permission for a data product:

  1. On the Home page, locate the data product and select More ⁝ > Share.
    The Share Entity dialog opens. The dialog lists the users with whom the data product is shared.
  2. Change the permission levels for users as needed, or select Delete trash icon to remove a user's permission.
  3. Select Save.

Editing a Data Product's Name or Description

Depending on your user role and permissions, you can modify a data product's name and description.

Do not use names that have already been used. If you rename a data product, the original name is used for published outputs.

To edit a data product:

  1. On the Home page, locate the data product and select More ⁝ > Edit.
  2. Modify the name and description as needed.
  3. Select Save.

Deleting a Data Product

Only the user who created the data product can delete it.

important Important: Deleting a data product permanently removes it from Tamr Cloud.

To delete a data product:

  1. On the Home page, locate the data product and select More ⁝ > Delete.
  2. Confirm the deletion.

Editing the Mastering Flow for a Data Product

In general, you can make the following changes to mastering flows:

important Important: After making changes to the configuration, run the data product to apply your changes before performing curation work, including attribute overrides, cluster overrides, and source record verifications.

See Data Product Templates for additional information specific to your data product.

If you need to make changes beyond those described in this documentation, contact Support at for assistance.

Editing Mastered Entities

If you have curator (or higher) permissions for the data product, you can override values for individual entity fields and manage the clustered records for an entity. See Adjusting Mastering Results.