Publishing the Tamr RealTime Datastore

You can use the Jobs API create operation to publish the dataset from the RealTime datastore to a configured S3, ADLS2, or GCS publish destination.

In order to publish the dataset via the API:

  1. Work with Tamr to configure a publish destination. Contact Tamr Support ([email protected]) for assistance.
  2. Obtain the pub_ ID for the publish destination from Tamr.

File Format for Published Dataset

Publishing the RealTime datastore exports the data as multi-part CSV files to a directory in the configured destination.

The files are UTF-8 encoded, and are named part-<ID>.csv. Each file include the following columns:

  • recordId
  • tableId
  • versionId
  • data
  • createdMs (milliseconds since unix epoch)
  • updatedMs (milliseconds since unix epoch)