CMS Dialysis Attributes

The following attributes are provided by Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) enrichment for dialysis facilities. See the CMS Provider Data Catalog for more details for these attributes.

Attribute Description
tamr_id Tamr ID of the golden record associated with this enrichment data
cms_dialysis_tamr_enrich_status Status of the Tamr Enrich ID match. This status indicates whether and how Tamr was able to match the source facility to a reference record available from one or more of the supported data providers.
  • MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS: Exact match on CMS provider name and street address
  • MATCH_NAME_CITY: Exact match on CMS provider name and city
  • MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY: Exact match on CMS provider name and country
  • MATCH_REGISTRATION_NUMBER: Exact match on CMS provider name and registration number (CCN)
  • MATCH_PHONE: Exact match on phone
  • NO_MATCH: No match found
cms_dialysis_tamr_enrich_id Facility's official Tamr Enrich ID
cms_dialysis_certification_number_ccn Numeric code used to identify the provider
cms_dialysis_dialysis_network Numeric code for the network in which the facility


cms_dialysis_dialysis_facility_name Name of the facility
cms_dialysis_five_star_date Data collection period for the quality of care star rating
cms_dialysis_five_star Quality of care star rating for the facility
cms_dialysis_five_star_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient quality of care start rating data available or the reason the data is not available
cms_dialysis_address_line_1 First line of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_address_line_2 Second line of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_city_town City or town of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_state Two-character state code of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_zip_code Five-digit postal zip code of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_county_parish County or parish of the facility's address
cms_dialysis_telephone_number Facility's ten-digit telephone number
cms_dialysis_profit_or_non_profit Whether the facility operates as a for-profit or non-profit business
cms_dialysis_chain_owned Whether the facility is owned or managed by a chain organization
cms_dialysis_chain_organization Name of the chain organization, if applicable
cms_dialysis_late_shift Whether the facility has a shift starting at 5:00 P.M. or later
cms_dialysis_number_of_dialysis_stations Total number of dialysis stations at the facility
cms_dialysis_offers_in_center_hemodialysis Whether the facility offers in-center hemodialysis
cms_dialysis_offers_peritoneal_dialysis Whether the facility offers peritoneal dialysis
cms_dialysis_offers_home_hemodialysis_training Whether the facility offers home hemodialysis training
cms_dialysis_certification_date Initial or recertification date for the facility. Facilities are certified if they pass inspection. Medicare or Medicaid only covers care provided by certified providers. Being certified is different from being accredited.
ccms_dialysis_laims_date Data collection period for claims-based summaries
cms_dialysis_eqrs_date Data collection period for EQRS-based measures
cms_dialysis_smr_date Data collection period for patient survival summary
cms_dialysis_patient_survival_category_text Patient survival category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_survival_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient patient survival data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_included_in_survival_summary Number of patients included in the facility's survival summary
cms_dialysis_mortality_rate_facility Facility's mortality rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_mortality_rate_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the mortality rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_mortality_rate_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the mortality rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_shr_date Time period for the patient hospitalization summary
cms_dialysis_patient_hospitalization_category_text Patient hospitalization category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_hospitalization_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient hospitalization data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_included_in_hospitalization_summary Number of patients included in the facility's hospitalization summary
cms_dialysis_hospitalization_rate_facility Facility's hospitalization rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_hospitalization_rate_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the hospitalization rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_hospitalization_rate_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the hospitalization rate per 100 patient-years
cms_dialysis_srr_date Time period for the patient readmission summary
cms_dialysis_patient_hospital_readmission_category Patient readmission category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_hospital_readmission_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient readmission data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_hospitalizations_included_in_hospital_readmission_summary Number of index discharges included in the facility's readmission summary
cms_dialysis_readmission_rate_facility Facility's readmission rate as a percentage of hospital discharges
cms_dialysis_readmission_rate_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the readmission rate as a percentage of hospital discharges
cms_dialysis_readmission_rate_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the readmission rate as a percentage of hospital discharges
cms_dialysis_strr_date Time period for patient transfusion summary
cms_dialysis_patient_transfusion_category_text Patient transfusion category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_transfusion_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient transfusion data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_included_in_the_transfusion_summary Number of patients included in the facility's transfusion summary
cms_dialysis_transfusion_rate_facility Facility's transfusion rate per 100-patient years
cms_dialysis_transfusion_rate_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the transfusion rate per 100-patient years
cms_dialysis_transfusion_rate_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the transfusion rate per 100-patient years
cms_dialysis_swr_date Data collection period for patient transplant waitlist summary
cms_dialysis_swr_category_text Patient transplant waitlist category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_transplant_waitlist_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient patient transplant waitlist data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_in_this_facility_for_swr Number of patients in this facility for standardized first kidney transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_standardized_first_kidney_transplant_waitlist_ratio Facility standardized first kidney transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_upper_limit_for_swr_95_ci Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_lower_limit_for_swr_95_ci Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_pppw_category_text Prevalent patient transplant waitlist category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_prevalent_transplant_waitlist_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient prevalent patient transplant waitlist data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_for_pppw Number of patients for PPPW
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_prevalent_patients_waitlisted Percentage of prevalent patients waitlisted
cms_dialysis_upper_limit_for_pppw_95_ci Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for prevalent transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_lower_limit_for_pppw_95_ci Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for prevalent transplant waitlist ratio
cms_dialysis_sedr_date Time period for SEDR summary
cms_dialysis_sedr_category_text SEDR category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_emergency_department_encounter_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient emergency department data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_included_in_sedr_summary Number of patients included in the facility's SEDR summary
cms_dialysis_standardized_ed_visits_ratio_facility Facility's standardized emergency department ratio
cms_dialysis_sedr_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the standardized emergency department ratio
cms_dialysis_sedr_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for standardized emergency department ratio
cms_dialysis_ed30_date Time period for the ED30 summary
cms_dialysis_ed30_category_text ED30 category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_emergency_department_encounter_ratio_occurring_within_30_days_of_hospital_discharge_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient ED data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_hospitalizations_included_in_ed30_summary Number of index discharges included in the facility's ED30 summary
cms_dialysis_standardized_ed_visits_within_30_days_of_hospital_discharge_ratio_facility Facility's standardized ED ratio occurring within 30 days of hospital discharge
cms_dialysis_ed30_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the standardized ED ratio occurring within 30 days of hospital discharge
cms_dialysis_ed30_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the standardized ED ratio occurring within 30 days of hospital discharge
cms_dialysis_sir_date Time period for patent infection summary
cms_dialysis_patient_infection_category_text Patient infection category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_patient_infection_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient patient infection data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_standard_infection_ratio Facility's standardized infection ratio
cms_dialysis_sir_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the standardized infection ratio
cms_dialysis_sir_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the standardized infection ratio
cms_dialysis_fistula_category_text Fistula category (better, worse, or as expected)
cms_dialysis_fistula_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient fistula data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_included_in_fistula_summary Number of patients included in the facility's fistula summary
cms_dialysis_fistula_rate_facility Facility's fistula rate as a percentage of patient-months
cms_dialysis_fistula_rate_upper_confidence_limit_97p5 Upper confidence limit (97.5%) for the fistula rate as a percentage of patient-months
cms_dialysis_fistula_rate_lower_confidence_limit_2p5 Lower confidence limit (2.5%) for the fistula rate as a percentage of patient-months
cms_dialysis_hcp_vaccination_data_collection_dates Data collection period for COVID-19 vaccination adherence measure
cms_dialysis_hcp_vaccination_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient HCP vaccination data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_healthcare_worker_covid_19_vaccination_adherence_percentage Percentage of healthcare personnel adherent with COVID-19 vaccination
cms_dialysis_adult_hd_ktv_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient adult hemodialysis Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2 data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_adult_hd_patients_with_ktv_data Number of adult hemodialysis patients included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2 summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_adult_hd_patient_months_with_ktv_data Number of adult hemodialysis patient-months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2 summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percent_of_adult_hd_patients_with_ktv_geq_1p2 Percentage of adult hemodialysis patients with Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2
cms_dialysis_adult_pd_ktv_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient adult peritoneal dialysis Kt/V data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_adult_pd_patients_with_ktv_data Number of adult peritoneal dialysis patients included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.7 summary
cms_dialysis_number_of_adult_pd_patient_months_with_ktv_data Number of adult peritoneal patient-months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.7 summary
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_pd_pts_with_ktv_geq_1p7 Percentage of adult peritoneal patients with Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.7
cms_dialysis_pediatric_hd_ktv_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient pediatric hemodialysis Kt/V data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_pediatric_hd_patients_with_ktv_data Number of pediatric hemodialysis patients included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2 summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_pediatric_hd_patient_months_with_ktv_data Number of pediatric hemodialysis patient-months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2 summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_pediatric_hd_patients_with_ktv_geq_1p2 Percentage of pediatric hemodialysis patients with Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.2, rolling year
cms_dialysis_pediatric_pd_ktv_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient pediatric peritoneal dialysis Kt/V data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_pediatric_pd_patients_with_ktv_data Number of pediatric peritoneal dialysis patients included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.8 summary
cms_dialysis_number_of_pediatric_pd_patient_months_with_ktv_data Number of pediatric peritoneal patient-months included in Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.8 summary
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_pediatric_pd_patients_with_ktv_geq_1p8 Percentage of pediatric peritoneal patients with Kt/V greater than or equal to 1.9
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_medicare_patients_with_hgb_lt_10_gdl Percentage of patients who had average hemoglobin (Hgb) less than 10.0 g/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_hgb_lt_10_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient hemoglobin (Hgb) data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_medicare_patients_with_hgb_gt_12_gdl Percentage of patients who had average hemoglobin (Hgb) greater than 12.0 g/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_hgb_gt_12_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient hemoglobin (Hgb) data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_dialysis_patients_with_hgb_data Number of patients included in the hemoglobin (Hgb) greater than 12.0 g/dL summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_hypercalcemia_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient hypercalcemia data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_in_hypercalcemia_summary Number of patients included in the facility's hypercalcemia summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_patient_months_in_hypercalcemia_summary Number of patient-months included in the facility's hypercalcemia summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_hypercalcemia_serum_calcium_greater_than_10p2_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with hypercalcemia (serum calcium greater than 10.2 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_serum_phosphorus_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient serum phosphorus data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_in_serum_phosphorus_summary Number of patients included in the facility's serum phosphorus summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_patient_months_in_serum_phosphorus_summary Number of patient-months included in the facility's serum phosphorus summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_serum_phosphorus_less_than_3p5_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with serum phosphorus less than 3.5 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_serum_phosphorus_between_3p5_to_4p5_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with serum phosphorus between 3.5-4.5 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_serum_phosphorus_between_4p6_to_5p5_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with serum phosphorus between 4.6-5.5 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_serum_phosphorus_between_5p6_to_7p0_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with serum phosphorus between 5.6-7.0 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_serum_phosphorus_greater_than_7p0_mgdl Percentage of adult patients with serum phosphorus greater than 7.0 mg/dL, rolling year
cms_dialysis_long_term_catheter_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient long term catheter data available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_in_long_term_catheter_summary Number of patients included in the facility's long term catheter summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_patient_months_in_long_term_catheter_summary Number of patient-months included in the facility's long term catheter summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_adult_patients_with_long_term_catheter_in_use Percentage of adult patients with long term catheters in use, rolling year
cms_dialysis_npcr_data_availability_code Whether the facility had sufficient nPCR available or the reason why the data is not available
cms_dialysis_number_of_patients_in_npcr_summary Number of patients included in the facility's nPCR summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_number_of_patient_months_in_npcr_summary Number of patient-months included in the facility's nPCR summary, rolling year
cms_dialysis_percentage_of_pediatric_hd_patients_with_npcr Percentage of pediatric hemodialysis patients with nPCR, rolling year