Tamr Enrich ID

Use the Tamr Enrich ID step to match the companies in your source data to Tamr Enrich IDs.

The Tamr Enrich ID is a unique, proprietary organizational identifier owned and managed by Tamr, and is used to match your source company data to referential data provided by the Tamr Enrich service and other data providers (Enigma, Pitchbook, and so on).

Depending on the available source data, Tamr matches companies in your source datasets to Tamr Enrich IDs based on one of the following:

  • Company name and full address. For this match level, address information must be available and mapped to input fields used by the enricher.
  • Company name and city. If a match based on company name and full address is not identified, Tamr attempts to match based on the company name, city, country, and either region or postal code.
  • Company name and country code. If a match based on company name and full address or city is not identified, Tamr attempts to match based on the company name and country code. For companies with US addresses, state is used in case of a tie. Postal code and city are further used to break ties, for all countries.
  • Phone number. If a match based on company name and full address, city, or country is not identified, Tamr attempts to identify a match based on the cleaned phone number.
  • Website. Finally, Tamr attempts to identify a match based on the cleaned website.

See Tamr Firmographic Enrichment for examples of Tamr Enrich data provided for these match types.

Input Fields for Tamr Enrich ID

Required Input Fields

The input dataset for this enricher must include fields that can be mapped to the following required enrichment input fields.

Input Field Name Description
company_name Company name
country Address country

Optional Input Fields

Optionally, map fields from the input dataset for this enricher to the following enrichment input fields.

important Important: You must map address fields to return matches based on company name and full address. You must map the phone number field to return matches based on phone number.

Input Field Name Description
company_name_alternate Alternate company name
address_line_1 Address line 1
address_line_2 Address line 2
city Address city
region Address region or state
postal_code Address postal code
phone Phone number
website URL for the company website

Output Schema

The following fields are provided by the enricher.

Output Field Name Description
tamr_enrich_id The organization's official Tamr Enrich ID
tamr_firmographic_match_status The status of the Tamr Enrich ID match. This status indicates whether and how Tamr was able to match the source company to a reference record available from one or more of the supported data providers.
  • MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS: A match was found based on the combination of the company name and full address.
  • MATCH_NAME_CITY: A match was found based on the combination of the company name, city, country, and either region or postal code. This match is typically less precise than one based on company name and full address.
  • MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY: A match was found based on the combination of the company name and country. This match is typically less precise than one based on company name and full address or city.
  • MATCH_PHONE: A match was found based on the cleaned phone number.
  • MATCH_WEBSITE: A match was found based on the cleaned website.
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_NAME: A match was not found due to an invalid company name. Either the company name was empty, or the name contained only special characters or generic legal form information (for example CORP or LLC).
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_COUNTRY: A match was not found due to an invalid (empty) country.
  • NO_MATCH: A match was not found.