Examining the Entity Activity Log

Use the Activity Log to understand manual changes made to your mastered entities over time. For any given manual activity or change, you can see details on the type of change and the description, as well as when the change was made, who made the change, and the state of the change (Queued or Applied). To find the Activity Log for any given entity, select the entity and then select the Activity Log page.

sources added Sources addedQueued: Source record will be added to this entity during the next successful flow run.

Applied: Source record was added to this entity.
sources reclustered Sources reclusteredQueued: Source record will move to another entity during the next successful flow run.

Applied: Source record was moved to another entity.
mastered entity update Mastered entity attribute updateApplied: Entity attribute was manually updated.
mastered entity creation Entity creationQueued: Source record will be used to create a new entity during the next successful flow run.

Applied: Entity created from moved source record.

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