Troubleshooting Known Issues
You can read about issues, limitations, and troubleshooting steps for Tamr Cloud.
Account Settings
Issue | Resolution |
Login fails with SSO enabled. | If login fails and SSO is enabled, contact your organization’s IT department to verify you have been assigned the correct permissions to log into Tamr Cloud. |
Data Products
Issue | Resolution |
Data product refresh fails when refresh of one of its source datasets fails or is cancelled. |
To avoid running a data product with out-of-date data, data product refresh fails if refreshing one of
its source datasets fails or is stopped via the Jobs API. To refresh the data product, first successfully refresh the source.
This does not apply to legacy data products, which will run using previous source data if source refresh fails. |
Issue | Resolution |
You can run up to 5 concurrent jobs. Additional job requests return the following error: 429 Too Many Requests. | Current limitation. |
Legacy Data Products
Issue | Resolution |
The status of individual steps is not accurate while the flow runs. | Known issue |
You aren't able to configure column display in tables in the Manage Cluster Details page. |
When configuring column display in tables in the Manage Cluster Details page, the curator_drag_icon and Checkbox selection columns must remain selected.
The mastering flow fails on the Configure Attributes step. | This might be caused by duplicate attribute names. Ensure that all attribute names are unique. |
An error occurs when attempting to remove one or more attributes in the Configure Attributes step. | Tamr Cloud now prevents you from removing this field. However, if you are using an earlier template version that does not include this restriction,
you see this error when attempting to remove the required attribute that stores the display name for the entity. For each template, this attribute is:
In the B2B Customers or B2B Customers with Firmographics data products, the Tamr Enrich ID and Tamr Enrich steps are marked as incomplete after you make a change to the flow. | If you make a change to the schema in any steps in the flow before the Tamr
Enrich ID and Tamr Enrich steps, you must re-select the input for these steps.
Error loading publish destinations. | An error can occur when a connection used by an existing destination has been deleted. If you experience this issue, contact Tamr Support ([email protected]) for assistance. |
When publishing to Snowflake, publishing fails if fields have been removed since the last publish. |
You must either update the destination Snowflake table to match the updated schema or delete the destination table.
Note: If you delete the destination table before publishing, Publish recreates the table with the updated schema. |
While the flow for a legacy data product runs, the job duration displayed on the Jobs page is different than the duration displayed on the Configure Flow page. | The Jobs page provides the full amount of time that the data product has been running. When a flow runs, Tamr performs pre-processing work to collect historical flow data and apply any curation and verification activity. For data products with a significant amount of curation, this preprocessing step can take some time. The job duration on the Configure Flow page does not include the pre-processing time. The duration on the Jobs page does include this pre-processing time. |
Issue | Resolution |
Scheduler does not adjust scheduled run times for daylight savings time. Once a job is scheduled, the scheduled run time is not updated for local timezone changes. | Current limitation. |
Issue | Resolution |
You are unable to upload files when the content-type metadata field isn’t set to text/csv .
Tamr Cloud supports only csv files for upload. |
The number of source datasets is shown as “--”. | Run your flow to repopulate source metrics. |
For fields that contain double quoted values, the display value may include left or right quotes. | No current workaround. |
File rows cannot start or end with quote characters. | Current limitation. |
Data values must be only Basic Latin characters to display properly. | Current limitation. |
File upload fails. | Confirm that your file meets all requirements for upload. For example, ensure that your header rows do not include trailing commas, which result in blank headers and cause the file upload to fail. Make any necessary adjustments, and then retry. If you continue to receive an error, contact Tamr ([email protected]) for assistance. |
GCS source configuration is invalid. |
Replace any spaces in the file path with %20 . For example, you would replace source /file source.csv with source%20/file%20source.csv .
Schema mapping step is marked as incomplete. | If you add new columns to a source, you need to redo schema mapping for that source. |
Updated 5 months ago