Public Source Enrichment

You can enrich your company data with referential attributes from public firmographic data providers.

The Public Sources firmographic enrichment provider enriches your B2B customer entities with Tamr-curated referential data sourced from Companies House, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), Research Organization Registry (ROR), Sirene, National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES), and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This data includes the name, address, website, and operating status of the company and its direct parent, ultimate domestic parent, and ultimate global parent.

Public Source Enrichment Attributes

The Public Sources enrichment provider adds the following attributes to mastered entities that have been successfully matched to a Tamr Enrich ID.

Attribute Name Description
tamr_firmographic_enrich_status The status of the Tamr Enrich enrichment:
  • MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the company name and full address.
  • MATCH_NAME_CITY: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the company name, city, country, and either region or postal code.
  • MATCH_HIERARCHY_COUNTRY: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the combination of the company name, domestic ultimate parent, and country. This match is typically less precise than one based on company name and full address.
  • MATCH_REGISTRATION_NUMBER: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched based on the company's registration number.
  • MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the company name and country.
  • MATCH_PHONE: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the cleaned phone number.
  • MATCH_WEBSITE: The enrichment attributes provided by the public sources were matched to this company based on the cleaned website.
  • NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_SELECTED_SOURCE: The public sources do not have information associated with this company’s Tamr Enrich ID.
  • UNRECOGNIZED_TAMR_ENRICH ID: This ID is not recognized by the public sources.
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_NAME: A match was not found due to an invalid company name. Either the company name was empty, or the name contained only special characters or generic legal form information (for example CORP or LLC).
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_COUNTRY: A match was not found due to an invalid (empty) country.
  • NO_MATCH: A match was not found.

Note: This value may not match the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status. This happens when a higher level match is available in one of the other supported data providers. For example, a match based on “MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS” was found in Enigma, and a match based on “MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY” was found in the public sources (the selected provider). In this case, the value of the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status is "MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS" while the value of tamr_firmographic_enrich_status is "MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY".
tamr_enrich_tamr_enrich_id The Tamr Enrich ID for this organization match in the Public Sources provider.
tamr_enrich_source_nameThe source of the public enrichment attribute values added to this entity: Companies House, GLEIF, ROR, Sirene, or NPPES.
tamr_enrich_source_record_id The primary key for this entity's record in the enrichment source (Companies House, GLEIF, ROR, Sirene, or NPPES. For Sirene, this is the siret number.).
tamr_enrich_organization_name The organization's legal name
tamr_enrich_organization_address_line_1 The organization's registered address line 1
tamr_enrich_organization_address_line_2 The organization's registered address line 2
tamr_enrich_organization_city The organization's registered city
tamr_enrich_organization_region The organization's registered region
tamr_enrich_organization_country_code The organization's registered country code
tamr_enrich_organization_postal_code The organization's registered postal code
tamr_enrich_organization_phone The organization's phone number
tamr_enrich_organization_status The organization's status
tamr_enrich_organization_website The organization's website
tamr_enrich_organization_name_alternate_1 The organization's first alternate name
tamr_enrich_organization_name_alternate_2 The organization's second alternate name
tamr_enrich_organization_name_alternate_3 The organization's third alternate name
tamr_enrich_organization_name_alternate_4 The organization's fourth alternate name
tamr_enrich_organization_name_alternate_5 The organization's fifth alternate name
tamr_enrich_parent_id The parent organization's official Tamr Enrich id
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name The parent organization's legal name
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_address_line_1 The parent organization's registered address line 1
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_address_line_2 The parent organization's registered address line 2
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_city The parent organization's registered city
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_region The parent organization's registered region
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_country_code The parent organization's registered country code
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_postal_code The parent organization's registered postal code
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_phone The parent organization's phone number
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_status The parent organization's status
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_website The parent organization's website
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name_alternate_1 The parent organization's first alternate name
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name_alternate_2 The parent organization's second alternate name
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name_alternate_3 The parent organization's third alternate name
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name_alternate_4 The parent organization's fourth alternate name
tamr_enrich_parent_organization_name_alternate_5 The parent organization's fifth alternate name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_id The domestic ultimate parent organization's official Tamr Enrich id
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name The domestic ultimate parent organization's legal name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_address_line_1 The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered address line 1
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_address_line_2 The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered address line 2
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_city The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered city
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_region The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered region
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_country_code The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered country code
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_postal_code The domestic ultimate parent organization's registered postal code
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_phone The domestic ultimate parent organization's phone number
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_status The domestic ultimate parent organization's status
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_website The domestic ultimate parent organization's website
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_1 The domestic ultimate parent organization's first alternate name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_2 The domestic ultimate parent organization's second alternate name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_3 The domestic ultimate parent organization's third alternate name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_4 The domestic ultimate parent organization's fourth alternate name
tamr_enrich_domestic_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_5 The domestic ultimate parent organization's fifth alternate name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_id The global ultimate parent organization's official Tamr Enrich id
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name The global ultimate parent organization's legal name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_address_line_1 The global ultimate parent organization's registered address line 1
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_address_line_2 The global ultimate parent organization's registered address line 2
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_city The global ultimate parent organization's registered city
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_region The global ultimate parent organization's registered region
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_country_code The global ultimate parent organization's registered country code
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_postal_code The global ultimate parent organization's registered postal code
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_phone The global ultilate parent organization's phone number
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_status The global ultimate parent organization's status
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_website The global ultimate parent organization's website
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_1 The global ultimate parent organization's first alternate name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_2 The global ultimate parent organization's second alternate name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_3 The global ultimate parent organization's third alternate name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_4 The global ultimate parent organization's fourth alternate name
tamr_enrich_global_ultimate_parent_organization_name_alternate_5 The global ultimate parent organization's fifth alternate name
tamr_enrich_hierarchy_code Describes if the company record represents its own parent, ultimate parent, or it has another record as a parent.

The following cases are checked, in this order:
  1. GLOBAL_ULTIMATE_PARENT: if a record is a global ultimate parent
  2. DOMESTIC_ULTIMATE_PARENT: if a record is a domestic ultimate parent
  3. PARENT_SUBSIDIARY: if a record is both a child of another record, and a parent of other distinct record(s)
  4. PARENT: if a record is a parent of other distinct record(s) but has no known ultimate or other parents
  5. CHILD: if a record is the child of another record and not the parent of any records
  6. STANDALONE: the record does not have any other records designated as parents or children
tamr_enrich_national_identifier Business Identification Number
tamr_enrich_national_identifier_source Source of the Identification Number
tamr_enrich_national_identifier_source_code Code for the source of the Identification Number, if the data provider uses a code
tamr_enrich_iso_legal_form_code The code corresponding to the legal form of the entity, taken from the ISO Entity Legal Form (ELF) code list maintained by GLEIF.
tamr_enrich_legal_entity_identifier The 20-character Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) of the organization.