S&P Capital IQ Enrichment

You can enrich your company data with referential attributes from S&P Capital IQ.


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S&P Capital IQ Attributes

When you select S&P Capital IQ Attributes as the enrichment source in the Tamr Enrich step, the following attributes are returned for mastered entities that have been successfully matched to a Tamr Enrich ID.

Attribute Name Description
tamr_ciq_enrich_status The status of the S&P Capital IQ enrichment:
  • MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched to this company based on the company name and full address.
  • MATCH_NAME_CITY: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched to this company based on the company name, city, country, and either region or postal code.
  • MATCH_HIERARCHY_COUNTRY: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched this company based on the combination of the company name, domestic ultimate parent, and country. This match is typically less precise than one based on company name and full address.
  • MATCH_REGISTRATION_NUMBER: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched based on the company's registration number.
  • MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched to this company based on the company name and country.
  • MATCH_PHONE: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched to this company based on the cleaned phone number.
  • MATCH_WEBSITE: The enrichment attributes provided by S&P Capital IQ were matched to this company based on the cleaned website.
  • NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_SELECTED_SOURCE: S&P Capital IQ does not have information associated with this company’s Tamr Enrich ID.
  • UNRECOGNIZED_TAMR_ENRICH ID: Tamr Enrich does not recognize the ID.
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_NAME: A match was not found due to an invalid company name. Either the company name was empty, or the name contained only special characters or generic legal form information (for example CORP or LLC).
  • NO_MATCH_INVALID_COUNTRY: A match was not found due to an invalid (empty) country.
  • NO_MATCH: A match was not found.

Note: This value may not match the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status. This happens when a higher level match is available in one of the other supported data providers. For example, a match based on “MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS” was found in Companies House, and a match based on “MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY” was found in S&P Capital IQ (the selected provider). In this case, the value of the Tamr Enrich ID tamr_firmographic_match_status is "MATCH_NAME_ADDRESS" while the value of tamr_ciq_enrich_status is "MATCH_NAME_COUNTRY".
ciq_tamr_enrich_id The Tamr Enrich ID for this organization match in S&P Capital IQ.
ciq_company_id Unique entity identifier created by S&P Capital IQ.
ciq_organization_name Name of the organization.
ciq_city City of the organization.
ciq_office_fax_value Fax number of the organization.
ciq_office_phone_value Main phone number of the organization.
ciq_other_phone_value Alternate phone number of the organization.
ciq_address_line_1 First line of the street address for the organization.
ciq_address_line_2 Second line of the street address for the


ciq_address_line_3 Third line of the street address for the


ciq_address_line_4 Fourth line of the street address for the


ciq_year_founded Year the organization was founded.
ciq_month_founded Month in which the organization was founded.
ciq_day_founded Day on which the organization was founded.
ciq_postal_code Zip code of the organization.
ciq_website Web address for the organization.
ciq_reporting_template_type_id The unique identifier for the template type. This defines the template in which a organization's financials were collected (e.g. Bank, Industrial, Insurance).
ciq_incorporation_country Country in which the organization was incorporated.
ciq_incorporation_region State in which the organization was incorporated.
ciq_region Textual description of the state for the organization.
ciq_region_abbreviation Abbreviation of the state (e.g., NY) for the organization.
ciq_country Textual description for the country for the organization.
ciq_iso_country_2 The organization's ISO alpha-2 country code.
ciq_iso_country_3 The organization's ISO alpha-3 country code.
ciq_country_geo_region Textual description for the region of the organization.
ciq_simple_industry_description Descriptive name for the industry of the organization.
ciq_company_type_name Textual description of the organization type.
ciq_company_status_type_name Textual description of the status type (e.g., Operating, Reorganizing, Acquired) for the organization.
ciq_us_number_of_employees_previous_year The organization's number of employees from the previous year.
ciq_ltm_sales_mm The organization's sales over the last 12 months
ciq_number_of_employees The organization's number of employees.
ciq_us_latest_year_employee_growth The organization's employee growth over the last year.
ciq_us_number_of_employees_current_year The organization's number of employees for the current year.
ciq_parent_company_id Unique entity identifier created by S&P Capital IQ of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_organization_name Name of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_city City of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_office_fax_value Fax number of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_office_phone_value Main phone number of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_other_phone_value Alternate phone number of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_address_line_1 First line of the street address for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_address_line_2 Second line of the street address for the

parent organization.

ciq_parent_address_line_3 Third line of the street address for the

parent organization.

ciq_parent_address_line_4 Fourth line of the street address for the

parent organization.

ciq_parent_year_founded Year the parent organization was founded.
ciq_parent_month_founded Month in which the parent organization was founded.
ciq_parent_day_founded Day on which the parent organization was founded.
ciq_parent_postal_code Zip code of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_website Web address for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_reporting_template_type_id The unique identifier for the template type of the parent organization. This defines the template in which a organization's financials were collected (e.g. Bank, Industrial, Insurance).
ciq_parent_incorporation_country Country in which the parent organization was incorporated.
ciq_parent_incorporation_region State in which the parent organization was incorporated.
ciq_parent_region Textual description of the state for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_region_abbreviation Abbreviation of the state (e.g., NY) for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_country Textual description for the country for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_iso_country_2 The parent organization's ISO alpha-2 country code.
ciq_parent_iso_country_3 The parent organization's ISO alpha-3 country code.
ciq_parent_country_geo_region Textual description for the region of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_simple_industry_description Descriptive name for the industry of the parent organization.
ciq_parent_company_type_name Textual description of the parent organization type.
ciq_parent_company_status_type_name Textual description of the status type (e.g., Operating, Reorganizing, Acquired) for the parent organization.
ciq_parent_us_number_of_employees_previous_year The parent organization's number of employees from the previous year.
ciq_parent_ltm_sales_mm The parent organization's sales over the last 12 months
ciq_parent_number_of_employees The parent organization's number of employees.
ciq_parent_us_latest_year_employee_growth The parent organization's employee growth over the last year.
ciq_parent_us_number_of_employees_current_year The parent organization's number of employees for the current year.
ciq_ultimate_parent_company_id Unique entity identifier created by S&P Capital IQ of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_organization_name Name of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_city City of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_office_fax_value Fax number of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_office_phone_value Main phone number of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_other_phone_value Alternate phone number of the utlimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_address_line_1 First line of the street address for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_address_line_2 Second line of the street address for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_address_line_3 Third line of the street address for the utlimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_address_line_4 Fourth line of the street address for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_year_founded Year the ultimate parent organization was founded.
ciq_ultimate_parent_month_founded Month in which the ultimate parent organization was founded.
ciq_ultimate_parent_day_founded Day on which the ultimate parent organization was founded.
ciq_ultimate__parent_postal_code Zip code of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_website Web address for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_reporting_template_type_id The unique identifier for the template type of the ultimate parent organization. This defines the template in which a organization's financials were collected (e.g. Bank, Industrial, Insurance).
ciq_ultimate_parent_incorporation_country Country in which the ultimate parent organization was incorporated.
ciq_ultimate__parent_incorporation_region State in which the ultimate parent organization was incorporated.
ciq_ultimate_parent_region Textual description of the state for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_region_abbreviation Abbreviation of the state (e.g., NY) for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_country Textual description for the country for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_iso_country_2 The ultimate parent organization's ISO alpha-2 country code.
ciq_ultimate__parent_iso_country_3 The ultimate parent organization's ISO alpha-3 country code.
ciq_ultimate_parent_country_geo_region Textual description for the region of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_simple_industry_description Descriptive name for the industry of the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate__parent_company_type_name Textual description of the ultimate parent organization type.
ciq_ultimate_parent_company_status_type_name Textual description of the status type (e.g., Operating, Reorganizing, Acquired) for the ultimate parent organization.
ciq_ultimate_parent_us_number_of_employees_previous_year The ultimate parent organization's number of employees from the previous year.
ciq_ultimate_parent_ltm_sales_mm The ultimate parent organization's sales over the last 12 months
ciq_ultimate_parent_number_of_employees The ultimate parent organization's number of employees.
ciq_ultimate_parent_us_latest_year_employee_growth The ultimate parent organization's employee growth over the last year.
ciq_ultimate_parent_us_number_of_employees_current_year The ultimate parent organization's number of employees for the current year.