Source Dataset Requirements for the Contacts Data Product

The Contacts data product includes a predefined, standardized schema for contact data. When you add data to your data product, you identify how columns in your source datasets correspond to the attributes in the unified schema.

To prepare, review the general Requirements for Source Datasets.

The table below describes these attributes and explains which are:

  • Required: You cannot refresh your data until you map source columns to these attributes.
  • Suggested: For optimal enrichment and clustering results, map source columns to these attributes.
  • Optional: These attributes have minimal impact on your clustering and enrichment results. If your source data includes columns that match these attributes, map them to include that source data in your completed data product.

Note that the matching model can use either the combination of first and last name values or full name values, whichever is mapped from the source data.

Unified Attribute Description Type
Primary Key The primary key used in the source dataset to uniquely identify each record. See About Primary Keys for more information. Required
Name Prefix The contact's prefix, such as Ms. or Mr. Optional
First Name The contact's first name. Optional
Middle Name The contact's middle name. Optional
Family Name The contact's last name. Optional
Full Name The contact's full name. Optional
Name suffix The contacts's suffix, such as Jr. or Senior. Optional
Address Either line 1 of the contact’s address, or the contact's complete address. Optional
Address Line 2 Line 2 of the contact's address. Suggested
City The city in the contact's address. Optional
State The state in the contact's address. Optional
Postal Code The postal (zip) code in the contact's address. Optional
Country The country in the contact's address. Optional
Latitude Latitude of the contact’s address. Optional
Longitude Longitude of the contact’s address. Optional
Address Type Contact's type of address. For example, personal or business. Optional
Professional Title The contact's professional title. Suggested
Email The contact's email address. Suggested
Phone The contact's phone number. Suggested
Alternative Phone The contact's alternate phone number. Optional
Organization Name The name of the contact's organization or business. Suggested
Organization Alternative Names The alternate name of the contact's organization or business. Optional
Organization Website The website or url of the contact's organization or business. Optional